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Web Site Conversion

If Your Site Doesn't Convert Traffic Into Results,
It Doesn't Matter What It Does Do Well

You create your Web site with high hopes. It grew out of your desire to accomplish a specific result. Do you even remember what it was?

Alien words like "HTML", "server", and "DNS" invaded your life, perhaps even your vocabulary. The goal can easily get lost in the technical details of delivering a Web site.

Chances are great your goal consisted of one or more of the following:

  • Sell a product or service online
  • Collect leads or referrals
  • Get the word out about your product or service
  • All successful businesses have a Web site, so I guess I need one...

Which of these goals did the desire for a Web site grow from? Did your Web developer begin with your goal in mind? Were you asked leading questions about your audience, their goals, ambitions, frustrations, and fears? Did the builder of your Web site lay out specific targets to hit and provide metrics to quantify your success? In other words, did your Web developer have your goals in mind and take each step in the process with the single measure of success defined by meeting your goals?

Technicians Without the Right Tools

Almost all Web developers are technicians. With no sales background and no marketing experience beyond finding clients to support their business, is it any wonder they are ill-equipped to create a site which converts visitors into leads or buyers? It's just not what they trained to do. They were told that making an attractive site was their job. But pretty sites often don't accomplish the goals of the site owner.

Conversion Objectives

Let's define conversion, just so we're on the same page. Conversion is a measure of how many of your Web site visitors take a specific action. Maybe you measure success in the number of online sales you get. Perhaps you just want to generate leads to follow up with by phone or email. You can measure either of these goals with a metric, a simple number which indicates success or missing the mark.

Getting the word out is a tougher goal to measure. Measuring "hits" or visitors says nothing about the user experience on your site. It won't tell you if they received a positive or negative impression of your company while on your Web site.

Elements of Successful Web Site Conversion

In years of successful online conversion with many clients, I identified over 100 elements key to conversion. I only included the ones with comprehensive testing to verify with certainty that they were absolutely vital to Web site conversion. How I interpret these metrics depends largely upon the goals of the Web site. Without understanding what you want to accomplish, the metrics mean nothing.

Web Site Conversion Audit

Online Marketing Advisor provides Web Site Conversion Audits. It begins with a phone consultation with the site owner. We ask specific questions about what you want to accomplish online. If you haven't defined your online objectives yet, we'll help you determine specific measurable results to weigh success against.

With your goals in mind, we'll conduct a Web Site Conversion Audit. We found through years of research and experimentation which factors contribute to meeting your conversion goals. We research your site to see how well it performs in over 100 criteria vital to converting visits into customers.

Summary and Action Plan

After the entire audit is performed by skilled marketers, we compile the results into two reports:

  • Audit Summary: A multi-page document detailing which elements of online conversion you have incorporated well, and opportunities we found for improvement
  • Action Plan: A checklist of actions you or your marketing department can take to improve your online conversion

After the conversion audit, some of our clients opt to hire Online Marketing Advisor to improve their conversion scores. But many just need an action plan to get started. Either way, the Web Site Conversion Audit arms you with the information to know how to get started. Clients have found it the springboard to measurable online results their webmaster simply didn't have the training to make happen.

Schedule a Free Consultation

I believe in person-to-person communication. Email just doesn't convey the spirit of who you are for me. Maybe it's a personal limitation of mine, but I prefer to speak with clients directly.

You're busy. Because I support many clients, I also have to manage my time well to be able to focus my efforts on my clients. Simply put, let's talk. If you like my message and approach, maybe you'll want to take the next step.

Call us at (801) 859-5126 to schedule your free consultation.